The joys of breastfeeding...
When I started nursing Mack, I never really thought that I would be a person who enjoys nursing. I mean it hurts likes crazy when you start out. How could that even be enjoyable, right?
Well fast forward 6 months, and I am now a mother that not only enjoys nursing but is slightly sad that her time with her sweet babe will be ending somewhat soonish. I plan to nurse Mack until he is at least a year old and may go a bit longer, but either way, time is fleeting. I so enjoy nursing my son. We have arrived at the part of the relationship where we are each comfortable with each other and enjoy our time together. I love seeing him nurse and spending the extra cuddle time with my bug.
Though my nursing relationship will end eventually, it's already somewhat interrupted because I have gone back to work. *enter sad face emoji* Obviously work is a fact of life for many people, myself included. Yes, my husband and I have bills to pay, so it's off to school I go. Don't get me wrong; I love teaching! I really do like being in the classroom, and let's be honest, the days when your child won't stop crying and is being a hellion can make the classroom look like a breeze. But I do miss him, and I miss nursing him while I'm at school
Right now our nursing schedule is morning, after dinner, and right before bed. He takes two 5 ounce bottles during the day, so it is up to me to get those bottles pumped while I'm away from him.
Usually I can get the bottles pumped, but not always. Especially lately. School is super hectic, and I learned quickly that teaching Family and Consumer Science is even more fast paced than I ever would have thought. I try to pump twice during the day. Usually I'll get enough from these bottles, but sometimes I'll have to pump a little at home to add in. If it's a super busy, I'll pump in the car on the way to pick up Mack.
Lately, I have not been getting the 10 ounces I need just from my sessions at school, so I decided to start drinking Mother's Milk Tea again. I have used it on and off since I started back to subbing in November, but I try not to drink it every day because it is slightly pricey-although it is less pricey than other galactogogues.
When I drink even just one cup of Mother's Milk Tea, I notice that I usually pump an extra ounce during my first session the next day and an extra ounce or so in my next session! Two ounces doesn't sound like a lot, but my pumping mamas know two ounces of liquid gold is a big deal. It starts to put my mind at ease!
I read a lot of reviews before I purchased the tea and some said that it smelled and tasted gross. That somewhat deterred me, but I decided to give it a shot. My opinion is that the taste and smell are not terrible but not great. Since drinking semi-regularly, I have found that I am used to the taste and actually don't mind it now. It does have a black licorice smell to it, but I believe that can be attributed to the anise in it.
Though I'm super-duper frugal, I am willing to spend money on the tea.
Here's why I justify the costs:
- The tea really does work for me. I notice a significant (usually 2 ounce) increase in milk supply within a day-or sometimes sooner if I drink it in the morning.
- As a result of drinking the tea, I can provide enough milk for my babe while I'm gone.
- By providing breast milk, I don't have to pay for formula. Even though I have to pay for the tea, it's still cheaper than buying formula.
Please note that while I breastfeed my child, I do not condone formula shaming at all! Just feed the baby, right? We actually give Mack a bottle of formula when he wakes during the night, so I can get back to bed and get some sleep. I need sleep. It's quite dangerous to be a zombie when keeping tabs on high school students cooking.
Also, know that I bought the tea with my own money and have not been compensated at all for this review. It is 100% my own opinion and experience.
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